Monday, November 11, 2013

Reality Hurts You Because You Are Sensitive, The Art of alone family. April 2013

Reality Hurts You Because You Are Sensitive,
the art of alone family

NX ArtHouse April 2013

Artist Statement by alone family:

This show is the product of a year’s worth of growth and learning. I’ve spent close to two decades writing and performing music, but this last year, I picked up a brush and bought some black ink to start putting down some of my ideas on paper. 

I began by creating simple single panel comics, then transitioned to working on Post-It Notes. This choice was partially inspired by boredom during work, but I also enjoy the limitations of a Post-It. 3”x3” yellow paper fundamentally influences every image’s color and use of space.

Creating images in a small space made the move to digital manipulations on my phone natural. I’ve cut, manipulated, and/or composed close to 1000 images over the last year. I use three to five separate programs, bouncing the image back and forth multiple times until the desired effect is achieved.

The onslaught of information gleaned from the internet is the biggest inspiration to my work. Image-based blogging sites like Instagram and Tumblr create a novel communication that transcends language and context. Delineations between media platforms and how they interact with the user have all been destroyed. 
Combining the abundance of information with the accessibility of relatively easy-to-use programs has allowed me to create images that were never before possible to someone with my skillset. Thank you for looking at it.

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